lead ore in the benue trough

Lead Ore In The Benue Trough

Benue Trough - Wikipedia

A refinement to the model involves the rise of a mantle plume, where abnormal heat leads to melting of the upper mantle, thinning and stretching the crust, followed by rifting of the weakened crust.This may have been repeated several times, with the Benue Trough …

LeadZincBarytes mineralization in the Benue Trough

Lead ore minerals or lead concentrate export is the export of lead from Nigeria to international buyers located in various parts of the world It is exported in either the lead ore form or the lead concentrate form and are further processed upon arrival at the buyer’s facility into various forms of alloys or for other uses.

Lead-Zinc-Barytes mineralization in the Benue Trough ...

Lead-Zinc-Barytes Mineralization in the Lower Benue Trough In the Lower Benue Trough, lead-zinc-barytes mineralization occurs as epigenetic fracture-controlled vein deposits which are restricted to Albian–Turonian sediments (Fig. 2) but more widely distributed spatially.

lead zinc mineralization of the benue trough, …

lead ore in the benue trough - klimaatwebsite.be. Mineralization in the Benue Trough is restricted to Cretaceous rocks found in about 48,000km area of the trough (Orazulike, 1994) Lead-zinc ore has been mined in the trough in addition to salts, barites, and other deposits of importance.

Contrasting styles of lead-zinc-barium mineralization in ...

the lead-zinc deposits of the Middle and Lower Benue Trough, and suggested a basinal-brine expulsion model for the Benue ore fluids. The distribution of the lead-zinc-barium deposits in the Benue Trough of Nigeria are restricted to the Albian – Turonian sediments but more widely distributed spatially. They occur

Origin of lead-zinc mineralization in the southern …

01-03-1985 · The epigenetic Pb-Zn deposits of the southern Benue Valley (Nigeria) are localized within Cretaceous sediments of an intracontinental rift basin. Fluid inclusion studies of vein minerals from the Abakaliki and Ishiagu orebodies show that sphalerite and quartz were deposited at relatively low temperatures (102 175 °C), with ore-fluid salinity mostly in the range of 17 25 equiv. wt% NaCl.

(PDF) Contrasting styles of lead-zinc-barium ...

Lead isotopic composition across the Benue Trough showed three discrete lead isotopic variations,Isiagu deposit designated as LB1, Ameri, Ameka, Enyigba, Akpatakpa deposits labelledas LB2 with ...


BENUE TROUGH, NIGERIA Ogundipe I.E1* and Obasi R.A2 1Department of Geology, Afe Babalola University, ABUAD, Ado-Ekiti. Ekiti State. 2Department of Geology, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. ABSTRACT: The epigenetic lead-zinc-barite fluorite deposits of the Benue Trough are

Assessment of Cadmium and Lead Distribution in the Outcrop ...

mineralization of ore deposits and artisanal mining activities in Abakaliki formation in the Southern Benue Trough [9,10,11,12,13]. Notably, lead and cadmium are deleterious trace elements that could accumulate in animal and plant cells, leading to severe negative effects [14,15,16,17]. According to Peterson and Alloway [3], an

Mineralogical, textural and paragenetic studies of …

01-01-1989 · Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 23-29, 1989 0899-5362/89 $3.00 + 0.00 Printed in Great Britain. 1989 Pergamon Press plc Mineralogical, textural and paragenetic studies of the Lead-Zinc-Copper mineralization in the lower Benue Trough (Nigeria) and their genetic implications S.O. AKANDE* AND A. Mucr~** *Department of Geology and Mineral Science, University of Ilorin, …

lead ore in the benue trough – Grinding Mill China

lead ore in the benue trough agitatorbath.co. Determination of Work Index of Enyigba Lead Ore, Ebonyi … The Benue Trough is a major geological feature that houses the lead/zinc mineralization in Nigeria. » Learn More. 2013 Celebration Multi-dynamic Limite.

Contrasting styles of lead-zinc-barium …

01-03-2017 · Free Online Library: Contrasting styles of lead-zinc-barium mineralization in the Lower Benue Trough, Southeastern Nigeria/Contraste de estilos de mineralizacion de plomo-zinc-bario en la parte baja de la Formacion Benue Trough, en el sudeste de Nigeria.(ORE DEPOSITS, Report) by "Earth Sciences Research Journal"; Earth sciences Barium Cretaceous period Lead Natural history Lead (Metal) Ore ...

Origin of lead-zinc mineralization in the southern …

The epigenetic Pb-Zn deposits of the southern Benue Valley (Nigeria) are localized within Cretaceous sediments of an intracontinental rift basin. Fluid inclusion studies of vein minerals from the Abakaliki and Ishiagu orebodies show that sphalerite and quartz were deposited at relatively low temperatures (102–175 °C), with ore-fluid salinity mostly in the range of 17–25 equiv. wt% NaCl.

Origin of lead-zinc mineralization in the southern …

The epigenetic Pb-Zn deposits of the southern Benue Valley (Nigeria) are localized within Cretaceous sediments of an intracontinental rift basin. Fluid inclusion studies of vein minerals from the Abakaliki and Ishiagu orebodies show that sphalerite

Lead-Zinc-Barytes mineralization in the Benue …

The Benue Trough of Nigeria is a sedimentary basin that extends from the Gulf of Guinea in the southwest to the Chad Basin in the northwest for about 800 km in length and 150 km in width. Lead-zinc-barytes occurs in almost the entire length of the Benue Trough. Lead-zinc-barytes mineralization in the Trough is believed to be hydrothermal in origin and is associated with brine springs.

Thermal and stone variations of the Nigerian …

01-08-2017 · Lead-zinc-barite-fluorite mineralization occurs along the 600 km axis of the trough in three discrete sub-basins which coincide with the lower, middle and upper mineral districts of the Benue Valley. Lithologically these sub-basins are dominated by black carbonaceous shale in the Lower Benue, platform carbonates in the Middle Benue and sandstones in the Upper Benue.

Mineralogical, textural and paragenetic studies of …

Lead zinc copper mineralization in the lower Benue Trough of Nigeria occurs as discordant fracture controlled veins within the Lower Cretaceous shales of the Asu River Group. Three stages of events are proposed for the evolution of the veins in this district: (i) pre-ore fracturing and brecciation of Albian shales accompanied by the precipitation of framboidal and colloform aggregates of ...

Genesis of the Lead -Zinc Mineralization, Upper Benue ...

The controversy on the genesis of the Benue Trough lead-zinc ores may be resolved if geochemical H-C-O-S and Pb isotopic studies in addition to fluid inclusion analyses are used as bases for postulating a genetic model for each of the unique geotectonic lower, middle, and upper Benue Trough.Akandeet. al. …

Contrasting styles of lead-zinc-barium …

Contrasting styles of lead-zinc-barium mineralization in the Lower Benue Trough, Southeastern Nigeria In the Lower Benue Trough of Southeastern Nigeria, lead-zinc-barium mineralization occurs as widely distributed epigenetic fracture-controlled vein deposits which are restricted to …

Lead-Zinc-Barytes mineralization in the Benue …

Corpus ID: 54849744. Lead-Zinc-Barytes mineralization in the Benue Trough, Nigeria:Their geology, occurrences and economic prospective @inproceedings{Fatoye2014LeadZincBarytesMI, title={Lead-Zinc-Barytes mineralization in the Benue Trough, Nigeria:Their geology, occurrences and economic prospective}, author={Felix Bamidele Fatoye and Michael Adewale Ibitomi and Joseph I. Omada}, …

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