Influence Research on the Pretreatment of Recycled Coarse ...
Download Citation | Influence Research on the Pretreatment of Recycled Coarse Aggregate to the Strength of Recycled Concrete | Large amounts of waste clay stone generated in the city expansion ...

Influence Research on the Pretreatment of Recycled Coarse ...
The waste clay stone was processed the recycled aggregate, which can be used for preparing the recycled concrete. The pretreatment method to recycled aggregate have certain influence on the compressive strength of recycled concrete, through the experiment, we can get that different pretreatment methods can improve accordingly the compressive strength of recycled concrete, and has certain reference significance to the reuse of recycled aggregate.

Influence of the pretreatment of recycled aggregates ...
Jan 01, 2020 · Recycled coarse aggregate: 3: Recycled fine aggregate: 1.209: Water: 204: Poly-carboxylate-based superplasticizer: 250: Recycling of aggregate: Type 1 (dry process) 2.29: Type 2 (wet process) 2.54: Transportation: 1 ton truck: 0.268: The units for CO 2 emissions are (kg-CO 2 /t km). The values are based on energy consumption in MJ/ton.km by ...

Influence of the pretreatment of recycled aggregates ...
In this study, the intrinsic properties of recycled coarse aggregates (RC), associated with bonded mortar, were modified with two different pretreatment techniques viz-a-viz HCl pretreatment and ...

Influence of amount of recycled coarse aggregates and ...
May 01, 2007 · Due to its high absorption capacity recycled coarse aggregate must be wet before its employment in making concrete. If the recycled coarse aggregate is not humid, it would absorb water from the paste thus losing both its workability in the fresh concrete, and also the control of the effective w/c ratio in the paste.

Properties enhancement of recycled aggregate concrete ...
Aug 01, 2018 · In this study, the intrinsic properties of recycled coarse aggregates (RC), associated with bonded mortar, were modified with two different pretreatment techniques viz-a-viz HCl pretreatment and Na 2 SO 4 pretreatment, while maintaining a fixed aggregate-to-solution ratio of 1:4.5. The residual bonded mortar was quantified to evaluate the potential of both techniques.

An overview on the efficiency of different pretreatment ...
Aug 01, 2020 · The inferior quality of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) caused by the adhered mortar (AM) can be principally enhanced through either removing or strengthening the AM. This stone reviews the effect of various pretreatment methods (removal, polymer impregnation, pozzolanic slurry immersion, accelerated carbonation curing and bio-deposition) on the inherent defects of RCA, and compares …

Organic Pretreatment of Recycled Aggregates of Rural ...
The crush index of recycled coarse aggregates after organic pretreatment decreases at almost 17.63%, what’s more, organic pretreatment technology can decrease the water absorption rate of coarse aggregate by a large margin.

Crushing treatment on recycled aggregates to improve their ...
This research aims to analyse the variables that influence the self-cementing of recycled aggregates, both concrete and mixed. Elaborating recycled aggregate is carried out by crushing the material in a treatment plant which favours self-cementing.

compressive strength of quarry waste as coarse aggregate ...
The objective of this study is to investigate the possibility of using old recycled concrete as coarse aggregate to make new concrete mixes, and its effect on the evolution of the compressive strength of the new concrete mixes.

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Mechanical and ...
8 hours ago · This research investigates the effect of using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as a partial replacement of natural aggregate (NA) on the mechanical and durability-related properties of a cement-stabilized recycled concrete aggregate (CSR) mixture. In this case, mixtures were prepared with 0%, 40%, 70%, and 100% (by weight) RCA to replace NA, and cement contents of 4%, 5%, and 6% …

(PDF) Internal Curing Effect and Compressive Strength ...
The waste clay stone was processed the recycled aggregate, which can be used for preparing the recycled concrete. The pretreatment method to recycled aggregate have certain influence on the ...

Influence of the pre-saturation of recycled coarse ...
Based on the knowledge of RCCAs water absorption behaviour, this research is aimed at determining the influence of the pre-saturation of the RCCA method on concretes fresh and hardened properties, compared with a conventional concrete and a recycled aggregates concrete produced using the mixing water compensation method.

Influence of coating recycled aggregate surface with ...
Mar 01, 2009 · In this research, all recycled aggregate was selected from an old cement pavement and recycled at a centralized quarrying plant according to procedure as shown in Fig. 1. Instead of a single jaw crusher, an impact crusher was also used to lower acicular content of recycled coarse aggregate and improve its shape.

Influence of different treatment methods on the mechanical ...
The inherent inferior quality of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) influences the microstructural characteristics and consequently, the macro-mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete...

Organic Pretreatment of Recycled Aggregates of Rural ...
The crush index of recycled coarse aggregates after organic pretreatment decreases at almost 17.63%, whats more, organic pretreatment technology can decrease the water absorption rate of coarse...

Estimate the Compres of Natural and Recycle Concrete Aggregate
The main concern of this research is to reuse the demolished concrete as coarse aggregate for building a new structure. For this reason, the compressive strength as well as the flexural strength of...

Influence of Treatment Methods on Recycled Aggregate ...
By changing the molarities of acid solution study was made on the physical and mechanical properties of recycled coarse aggregates From their investigation found that change in molarities of acid solution enhanced the physical and mechanical properties. Shruti KIn her investigation on recycled aggregates obtained from pile foundation.

Effect of stone Enhancing-Technology on the Properties ...
Strengthening the attached old cement mortar of recycled aggregate (RA) is a common approach to enhance the RA properties. In this study, four representative stone enhancing-technologies were chosen. Through the analysis of physical properties, mechanical properties, and shape indexes, the changes of performance before and after strengthening were tested, so as to grasp the influence of ...